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Sweet summer plans! July/August

Chicago availability, travel plans, date ideas, and my Fit MILF Era.

Greetings, dear voyager!

To kick off my summer update on an appropriately light note, I've put together a fun video to showcase some of this year’s sweetest moments so far! Each item in the video holds a special significance and connection to someone dear to me, and I'll share their importance at the end of this newsletter.

These memories and connections bring so much joy to my life, and I'm grateful to be surrounded by such wonderful souls. Here's to creating even more unforgettable moments together this summer!

Chicago availability

Now that I’ve decided to keep a primary residence in Chicago and have turned my beautiful back on structured office life, my schedule is far more flexible. And it will free up further after my consulting gig ends in September. This is great news for you and I!

Updated 7/10 I recently spent twenty-four hours with a new boyfriend who has since invited me to join him on regular multi-day trips over the next four months.

  • August 10-13

  • September 4-6

  • October 17-19

  • November 12-13

The success of my life hinges on nourishing both sides of it: Alyx and non. So my time will be split balancing energy between my regular Chicago loves, Travel Boyfriend™️ adventures, select new dalliances, and these personal habits and healthy rituals:

  • lifting

  • cooking

  • running

  • reading

  • meditating

  • (learning to) golf

  • being a present friend

  • juggling passion projects

  • mastering pilates (was finally convinced to begin this journey)

  • continuing my adventures in light biohacking (Anyone else taking l-carnitine injections?)


Updated 7/10 In addition to incrementally influencing my time in Chicago, Travel Boyfriend™️ and his flare for the romantic will semi-truncate my availability to travel elsewhere over the next few months. That said, three things to bear in mind:

  1. I like a man who’s up for a challenge. Want me to carve out the time to fly to you? Write one heck of a note and let’s see what happens. (Mega bonus points if you make me laugh. Feel free to go full dad joke mode.)

  2. I’m highly wine motivated these days (drinking next to no alcohol = wine is a luxury) and might be lured to you with promises of superlative company and uncorking.

  3. I’d still like to visit Santa Barbara vand would love some insider tips on things to do!

Please email to let me know if you're interested in learning more.

people riding boat on body of water during daytime

Date ideas

In the interest of facilitating the inception of our unique summer date, here’s list of adjectives associated with the types of dalliances I’m feeling at the moment. When plotting, please pair these offerings with those listed within Five Date Ideas. And please bear in mind that I remain an eternal sucker for a good dinner/lunch/brunch/coffee excursion!

  1. sweet

    think - taking a pastry class

  2. relaxed

    think - ordering room service, sipping something refreshing, chrome casting our fave flicks while canoodling

  3. fancy pants

    think - dress up, triangulate a moody cocktail spot, pretend we’re strangers on the prowl, pick each other up

  4. practical

    think - drop into a makers space and learn a new skill

  5. creative

    think - (attempt to) paint each other’s portraits

  6. silly

    think - again, (attempt to) paint each other’s portraits

  7. connected

    think - share excerpts from our favorite books as we lounge poolside

  8. shaken

    think - embracing my fitness lifestyle and nearly total lack of imbibement by practicing mixing different NA cocktails

  9. aquatic

    think - yachts, pools, and beaches oh my!

Finally, let’s think “both” vs “either/or”. See the below example below-from Travel Boyfriend™️ regarding our September itinerary. It’s both comfortable and romantic, relaxed and elevated.

My Fit MILF Era?

I may be childless at forty, but I am forty and that kinda makes me a MILF.

When it comes to fitness, I recently set a PR by rowing/racked pulling 400# of tires for 240 yards. I do fun things kettlebells and have taken up pilates twice a week.

I’ve never been more comfy in my skin, my life spot has never been so advantageous, and I’m majorly hot and incorrigible. Do with this info what you will.

Our summer’s going to be great!

And I just know that the bonds forged and experiences shared will set the stage for an even better fall. Have a positive Monday, and reach out if you have any questions!


email me

Video notes, in order of appearance

One: From a reunion at Esmé. He’d had to quit me for a while but of course he came back. We worked our way through Sunflower and Clay as we conspired to caper. :)

Two: Two tributes (menu + Alexandra Calder note) to another Esmé trip. The bravest man I’ve ever met allowed me the privilege of expanding his horizons through both play and playful fare. Baring witness to his overdue joy was a powerful honor.

Three: Tiffany earrings for my fortieth. Our worlds collide above-board sometimes, and his fantasy was to see the jewelry gleam against the neck he kisses in secret.

Four: “I bought this book for you because of Dali. But YOU HAVE TO SEE the shot of Edward Gorey.”

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